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Saturday, December 29, 2007

JNF refuses to hire Sabbath observer

The JNF has turned down the application of a 34-year old Orthodox Jewish woman who had applied to serve as an assistant to JNF spokeswoman Sarit Haddad because the woman is an observant Jew who would not work on the Sabbath.
The applicant, known in the case as "Liron" (a pseudonym), was sent by an agency to interview for a job as an assistant to spokeswoman Orit Hadad, but was turned down flat because she would not work on Saturday. "She immediately told me that she was sorry but could not hire me," said the Orthodox Jewess in an interview with Yediot Achronot.

The JNF spokeswoman explained that she had asked the manpower agency from the beginning to send her someone who could work on Shabbat (the Sabbath).

"The JNF spokesperson's office is extremely busy, especially on Saturdays, because we often organize weekend nature trips," she said. "I have another assistant who works only during the week and so I especially need help on the weekends."

The 34-year-old "Liron" said she could not believe "this happened in a government institution that strives to represent the Jewish people."

The JNF spokeswoman, however, seemed unconcerned. "I really don't see what the fuss is about," she commented.
And for those of you wondering how this could happen in the State of Israel, don't. There actually is a legal framework for employing people on the Sabbath in positions where it's 'necessary.' But the JNF isn't part of that framework:
The law does not support Hadad's action – nor does it support the agency's practice of employing Jews to work on Shabbat.

The "Work Hours and Rest Law" requires a special permit for employers to hire Jews to work on Shabbat. The JNF never applied for, nor did it ever receive a permit, according to Yediot Achronot, which reported that "such a permit was never issued for any spokesperson or assistant spokesperson in any Israeli government institution."
Anyone from the JNF want to comment?


At 11:58 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

I don't think they will. This incident only shows up the JNF's contempt for Judaism as well as for Israeli law. They are not exempt from it as a result of being a quasi-govermental agency. Since they have "Jewish" in their title, they should also observe Shabbat. They are supposed to set an example. Which they don't do by refusing to hire a Jew who won't work on Shabbat.

At 3:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I have a "pushka" collection and all the change goes to Chabad and Magen David Adom. I think everyone should send in their squashed JNF pushkas to make an artwork.

At 6:20 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

Perhaps they were afraid a frum Jew would not support the JNF's policy of giving land to the Arabs.
Alouette- are you the Alouette of Freeper? They banned me when I responded to some Supercessionist posts.

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are so many Jewishly good and loyal Israeli causes to give to. Stop giving to Federation, JNF, etc., and start giving directly to the institutions that deserve our philanthropy.

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

shy guy,
good point. Perhaps there should also be a new concept -An Orange Hechsher- so we can purchase Israeli products from Yesha or companies tha are in our camp.


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